You spend a fraction of your time each week at the gym. In many ways, what you do outside of the gym is more important than what you do while you’re here. We designed our Nutrition Program at Fit Collective to be flexible and sustainable. Get the results you want faster than training alone.
Initial consultation
Customized individual macros based on your goals (aesthetic/performance)
Before & after photos
Understanding what macronutrients are
Daily journal check list
2 check in / month with your coach
Fitness nutrition booklet
Initial consultation
Customized individual macronutrients based on your goals
In depth nutrition coaching to help you accelerate your progress including meal timing and fueling for performance
Before & after photos
Daily journal checklist
4 check ins / month with your coach
In depth weekly goal setting with your coach to help you stay focused and work towards long term goals
Performance nutrition booklet
Initial consultation
Learning basic nutrition skills
Developing new, healthy & sustainable lifestyle habits
Reading labels
Understanding what macronutrients are
Daily journal check list
1 check in / month with your coach
Development nutrition booklet